Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Space Time Ripples

Start by looking at this application and that one. Make sure to tilt the map by holding down the right mouse button and sliding the mouse up. Then, slide the bottom slider back and forth to see the data "ripple" through time.
This type of visualization is something I have wanted to do for a long time and is now possible with the advent of the new 4.2 ArcGIS API for JavaScript. The new API has "hooks" to enable a developer to invoke WebGL shaders directly, which can render a massive amount of data very efficiently and very quickly.
The authoring of the data for the above applications is based on ArcGIS Pro extended with a custom ArcPy based toolbox. The tool queries features from a user selected feature class, bins the features by space and time and emits a space-time "cube" in the form of a Dojo AMD module to be loaded by a JavaScript application. The source of the feature class can be a geodatabase, a relational data store, or the new SpatialTemporal BigData store.
Yes, I should have written a web service to do that, but this is my blog post and leaving that as an exercise for the reader :-)
I have to admit that I am a bit selfish in building the JavaScript application in "mixing" two languages: JavaScript and TypeScript. I wanted to try out the TypeScript extension to our JavaScript API, and I long for a type-safe language when building front end applications like in my olde Flex/AS3 days. It turned out that TypeScript is very cool, especially when used within IntelliJ :-)
Like usual, all the source code can be found here, and I will be talking about it more next week at my presentation at DevSummit. See some of you in Palm Springs.