My friend and colleague _extraordinaire_ Kerry Coffin been working with the Flex API for AGS, and send me the following list of samples:
Linear Grid: This app shows a linear grid distance (miles, km etc) on a geographic map. Zoom In; pan north and south;change the number of grids;etc. Notice the grid width displayed. Also change the units.
Graticule: This app shows a Lat/Lon graticule in a web Mercator map. Zoom in continually. Notice how the graticule adjusts.
SimpleGraticule: This app shows a Lat/Lon graticule in a Geographic map. Zoom in continually. Notice how the graticule adjusts.
Quad Tree: This app shows a quad tree component that can index and search points in a client app. Add a bunch of points (Pick add 10K points). Drag the mouse to search. Try adding 10K more. Search again. The app shows you how the indexing is done.
Polynomial transformation: This app shows how to warp any image and overlay it on a map. (polynomial transformation) Press show resulting image. Change the order to 2. The user selects common points from both left and right. I’ve preloaded the app with a bunch of common points.
Normal Contours: Click to add elevation points. Pick a few points with elevation 100. Change the elevation to 105 pick a few more. Etc. Turn off the triangles to see only contours. (similar to the 3d app…except just contours)
And last my 3D app. It’s similar to using the contouring app.
MGRS: For the MGRS app, pan around the map by dragging your mouse. Of particular interest is the north pole, as most people leave off these zones, and they don’t draw curves.
If you zoom out, the scale dependency of the MGRS Layer turns off the finer grids. (MGRSLayer is implemented by extending Layer and implementing updateLayer()). The curves are drawn by doing the following algorithm: I don’t brute force it and add a trillion points and then project. To draw a line I project the 2 endpoints to pixel locations, and then project the mid point to its pixel location. I then compare the mid point’s projected pixel location to its pixel location by averaging the two endpoints. If the locations differ by more then one pixel…I do this to both halfs. This algorithm is done “logically” recursively…but I set a limit as to how many midpoints I add.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Indoor Routing for UC2009 on iPhone
Yes - just finished a native iPhone application (not using Safari) that uses the ArcGIS Server REST endpoint to create a 3D path between rooms in the San Diego Convention Center for the 2009 User Conference - this is _not_ an officially endorsed application (Yet :-) but for me, it was a great experience to see if I can get the iPhone to connect to AGS and render the result path in 3D as vector graphics. Yes, vector graphics - this is _not_ an image - if you drag your finger across the screen, the SDCC floor will rotate to give you a different perspective of the path. Cool eh ? Will be showing up at the UC on Monday, so stop by the Flex booth if you wanna see it live and have an AR version on the browser - AR you ask ? Just stop by :-) Here are some screenshots of the app - looking forward to seeing a lot of u there.
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